beyond the fashions of the time
The function of the phono amplifier is to develop a small signal generated by a pickup. It is vital that the amplifier does this without modifying the signal. Lar Gold is a completely dual-mono preamplifier starting from the two toroidal power supply transformers. It has a pair of special E88CC valves for the MC stage and a pair of ECC81 valves with a pair of E88CC valves for the MM stage.

Lar Gold Plus preamplifier is in 2 chassis, with preamplifier and extarnal tube power supply. The preamplifier chassis is connected using a special Klimo cable terminated with a connector with contacts silver-plated to a second chassis with the very same size and design: this is the new Klimo THOR tube power supply, designed specifically for this preamplifier. The preamplifier is supplied with a twin transparent cover through which you can admire the accurate internal construction of the pre and power supply.